The Wicked One!

Yes, Saddam Hussein is dead! They hanged him, in the dark, in a dark place.
I reckon some people are happy about it. These men certainly must be! I don't know about al Jaafari, but there's not much George W. Bush likes more than a nice execution. Probably reminds him of better days when, as Governor of Texas he could order lots of executions. Or course, a good old-fashioned hanging beats one of those wussy lethal injection executions hands down. Heck, with a lethal injection you can't even tell when the Grim Reaper has come and gone.

However, this may fall among that class of Things You Should Be Careful You Wish For. It seems to me it's a somewhat ominous precedent. Having a Quisling court of a puppet government execute a former head of state; I mean. A head of state who was, moreover, handed to the court conditionally, premised from the get-go on the certainty of a guilty verdict and a death sentence. Saddam was, of course, a Brutal Thug Dictator - supported in his thuggery, unfortunately, by the United States so long as he followed orders: something he failed to do in 1991.
Be That As It May
The precedent has been established now: Kangaroo Court Yes; World Court No.Who knows if perhaps there will come a time when a United States President, sitting or former will wish that he could appeal to the World Court?
OH:, just as an aside, I think it's really really stupid to create a martyr to give your enemies a rally point, just out of a self-righteous belief in your own personal divine guidance. I know; it's hard to believe that Saddam Hussein could ever be made into a hero, but think about who is telling the story in the Sunni states of the middle east? And how many would-be successors are willing to rewrite the history of Iraq/The Saddam Years to their own personal gain?
Please Stay Tuned
OH:, just as an aside, I think it's really really stupid to create a martyr to give your enemies a rally point, just out of a self-righteous belief in your own personal divine guidance. I know; it's hard to believe that Saddam Hussein could ever be made into a hero, but think about who is telling the story in the Sunni states of the middle east? And how many would-be successors are willing to rewrite the history of Iraq/The Saddam Years to their own personal gain?
Please Stay Tuned