LONDON, England (CNN) -- Prime Minister Tony Blair has expressed his shock that the four men believed to have carried out last week's deadly terrorist attacks on London's transit system were British nationals.

Meanwhile, some of the cast-of-thousands of "Terrorism Experts" are happily bloviating about what a large and sophisticated al Quaeda cell it must have taken to have performed such a coordinated attack on the London underground. Piffle! How sophisticated do you have to be to call your friends on your mobile phone when it's time to set off an explosive? How sophisticated do you have to be to look up how to make a bomb, in a book or online? How many disaffected suicidal bipolar adolescents are going to take direction from anybody? Believe it or not, McVeigh did not have an al Quaeda handler teaching him how to blow up a building.

Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, did not have an al Quaeda handler when they shot the hell out of Columbine HS

Sven Jaschan, did not have an al Quaeda handler when he created the Sasser Virus. Only "experts" who have managed to avoid learning anything about what real people are really capable of can manage to claim a huge complex monolithic doomsday cult is responsible for every explosion that happens in the world. Excepting, of course, the explosions set off by the United States military in the furtherance of peace and democracy. Those explosions are, I suppose, being set off by a huge complex monolithic doomsday cult - a cult that believes it can install its neocolonialist vision of society throughout the world. Or, at least, the oil-bearing part of the world.
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